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Commissioned by Save the Children, SICA LLC, a research and consulting service provider, conducted the baseline survey of the “Promoting Inclusive Education throughout Primary and Lower-secondary Education – 2” project.
The survey team is grateful to all the people who contributed to this document. We are specially grateful to PhD D.Odgerel, associate professor of MSUE, who provided methodology advice to this survey. The team also would like to express its gratitude to the project team from Save the Children (SCJ), the Ministry of Education, and Science (MEDS), the Mongolian State University of Education (MSUE), Institute of Teacher’s Professional Development (ITPD), the local Department for Education, Culture and Arts (DECA) authorities, school managers, teachers, parents and students who participated in the survey and lent us their generous support.


Судалгааны мэдээлэл

  • Ангилал:Нийгэм, Боловсрол
  • Хамрах хүрээ:The survey targets eight schools in Bayanzurkh, Chingeltei, Songinokhairkhan districts, Uvurkhangai and Khovd aimags, and their directors, primary and lower-secondary education managers, teachers, students, parents, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science (MEDS), Institute of Teacher’s Professional Development (ITPD), Mongolian State University of Education (MSUE), Department of Education, Culture and Arts of the aimags (DECA).
  • Нийтлэгдсэн он:2021
  • Хуудасны тоо:92
  • Түлхүүр үг:CwSN IE Children with special needs Inclusive Education
  • Үзсэн:1031

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The purpose of this baseline survey is to assess the current situation of the policies, public schools and project beneficiaries in terms of IE and to collect baseline data as basis for monitoring any changes over the life of the project and in relation to the project indicators.
The baseline survey’s objectives include:
  1. Assess the 8 public primary schools’ readiness to support 4-5th grade students with special needs transitioning from primary school to lower-secondary school;
  2. Assess the 8 public lower-secondary schools’ support system and physical, academic and psychological environment for CwSN;
  3. Assess the level of knowledge and inclusive teaching skills of lower-secondary school teachers in the 8 public schools;
  4. Analyze the knowledge and understanding, engagement and necessary support for child learning and development of parents with CwSN of primary and lower-secondary schools;
  5. Analyze policy and regulations concerning inclusive education and the transition of CwSN from primary to lower-secondary schools in the 8 target schools.
In this survey report, the baseline data was processed for the project “Promoting Inclusive Education Throughout Primary and Lower-secondary Education” which is being implemented by the Save the Children Japan, Mongolia Programme starting from March 2021. For the baseline survey, quantitative and qualitative surveys were conducted for the following term of references:
  • Assess 8 public primary schools’ readiness to support 4-5th grade students entering lowersecondary schools;
  • Assess 8 public lower-secondary schools’ support system and physical, academic and psychological environment for CwSN;
  • Assess the level of knowledge and inclusive teaching skills of lower-secondary school teachers in the 8 public schools;
  • Analyze knowledge, engagement, necessary support and challenges of parents of children with special needs who are transitioning from primary to lower-secondary school;
  • Analyze policy and regulations concerning inclusive education and the transition of CwSN from primary to lower-secondary schools in the 8 target schools.  
Tables and figures....................................................................................................................3 Abbreviations...........................................................................................................................6
Executive summary..................................................................................................................8
Project baseline..................................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER ONE. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................14
1.1 Project introduction..........................................................................................................14
1.2 Purpose and Objectives...................................................................................................14
1.3 Scope of the survey.........................................................................................................15
1.4 Survey methodology........................................................................................................15
1.4.1 Quantitative survey.......................................................................................................16
1.4.2 Qualitative survey.........................................................................................................16
1.5 Survey method and data collection monitoring................................................................17
1.6 Limitations of the survey..................................................................................................17
2.1 Current situation of students in grades 4 to 9..................................................................18
2.2 Current situation of CwSN in grades 4 to 5......................................................................25
2.3 Current situation of CwSN in grades 6 to 9......................................................................27
2.4 Current transition situations and factors related to teachers and schools........................31
2.5 Summary of chapter two..................................................................................................33
3.1 Lower-secondary school teachers’ IE understanding and knowledge.............................35
3.2 Preparation of transitioning from primary to lower-secondary school..............................42
3.3 Implementation of teacher activities in IE.........................................................................44
3.4 School IE initiatives..........................................................................................................52
3.5 Summary of chapter three................................................................................................55
4.1 Parents’ involvement in children’s learning and development.........................................58
4.2 Understanding and knowledge of IE................................................................................63
4.3 Summary of chapter four.................................................................................................70
5.1 Detecting, assessing and diagnosing CwSN…................................................................71
5.2 Policy and its implementation...........................................................................................76
5.3 Summary of chapter five..................................................................................................78
ANNEX ..................................................................................................................................85
Annex one. Statistical information of schools involved in the project.....................................85

Annex two. Project baseline result against project indicators’ description.............................87

Table 1.  Survey participants...............................................................................................................15
Table 2. Sample distribution of quantitative survey participants..........................................................16
Table 3. Qualitative survey participants...............................................................................................16
Table 4. General information of surveyed students.............................................................................18
Table 5. The main reasons students like (do not like) to study at school (by primary and lower-secondary schools) .........................................................................................................19
Table 6. Whether students understand the content of lessons (by grade)...........................................20
Table 7. Students’ favorite subject (by primary and lower-secondary school).....................................20
Table 8. Whether students miss their classmates, friends, and school, (by primary and lower-secondary school) ...........................................................................................................21
Table 9. Whether there is CwSN in their class (by primary and lower-secondary school)...................21
Table 10. Whether students help and support their classmates who have special needs (by primary and lower-secondary school) .......................................................................................22
Table 11. Whether the teacher advise and explain to his/her classmates about helping and assisting a CwD ........................................................................................................................22
Table 12. Suggestions from classmates that further implementation is needed for “CwSN`s better learning” ..........................................................................................................................23
Table 13. The most challenging and worrying things at school............................................................27
Table 14. The preparations that students did when transitioning from primary to lowersecondary school ......................................................................................................................27
Table 15. The advice that teachers gave..............................................................................................28
Table 16. The most uncomfortable or hard things at school (CwSN, lower-secondary school)...........30
Table 17. Challenges that students with special needs face in their daily school life...........................30
Table 18. Features and needs of lower-secondary school CwSN, and challenges for teachers..........31
Table 19. School and teacher support for CwSN for the transition from primary to lowersecondary school (IEP implementation experience) .................................................................32
Table 20. General background information of the surveyed teachers.................................................34
Table 21. Whether teachers have been involved in any training/activities focused on a methodology to work with CwSN over the past year .................................................................35
Table 22. In your opinion, who do you think are the CwSN (whether teacher is class teacher and works with CwSN) ..............................................................................................................36
Table 23. Whether lower-secondary school teachers know about the policies and activities that are being implemented for the CwSN and IE .....................................................................42
Table 24. What kind of preparation do the school and the teacher make for CwSN to transfer from primary to lower-secondary school? (materially) ..............................................................42
Table 25. What kind of preparation do the school and the teacher make for CwSN to transfer from primary to lower-secondary school? (psychologically) ......................................................43
Table 26. School support for teachers to help CwSN to transition from primary to lowersecondary school ......................................................................................................................43
Table 27. Parents support for teachers to help CwSN to transition from primary to lowersecondary school ......................................................................................................................44
Table 28. Teachers’ use of methodology to assess the development of CwSN in their class..............47
Table 29. Whether teacher exchanged experiences with teachers from other schools in educating CwSN and IE (by primary and lower-secondary school teachers) ...........................48
Table 30. The most challenging problems that school faced for education of CwSN...........................49
Table 31. Challenges and solutions to CwSN education in schools.....................................................49
Table 32. The important activities that teachers consider need to be improved to ensure IE of CwSN…….50
Table 33. School support team plans and activities.............................................................................54
Table 34. Experience in cooperating with schools in the region...........................................................54
Table 35. General information of the surveyed parents........................................................................56
Table 36. Types of special needs of children of parents and guardians surveyed...............................56
Table 37. The degree of disability of CwD and whether they have been diagnosed by the aimag/district subcommittee on health, education, social protection of the children with disability .............................................................................................................................57
Table 38. School dropout information for students in grades 4-6 (based on parental responses).......57
Table 39. The reasons for being physically and psychologically ready and not ready........................60
Table 40. Identifying the special needs of children at the school level.................................................75

Figure 1. Type of research...................................................................................................................15
Figure 2. Quantitative survey monitoring stage...................................................................................17
Figure 3. Whether students like to study at school (by primary and lower-secondary school)............19
Figure 4. Whether students like to participate in distance learning due to COVID-19 pandemic (by primary and lower-secondary schools) ...............................................................................21
Figure 5. Students naming the challenges that their classmates who have special needs face in attending and going to school (by primary and lower-secondary school students) ...............23
Figure 6. Whether parents talk about CwSN and advice their children to help him or her...................24
Figure 7. Do you think your teachers treat all your classmates equally? (by primary and lower-secondary schools) .........................................................................................................24
Figure 8.  Do you think your teachers teach and communicate with all your classmates based on students’ characteristics? (by primary and lower-secondary schools) .................................25
Figure 9.  The challenges that students are expected to face when transitioning from primary to lower-secondary school, (n=35) ............................................................................................25
Figure 10. Whether family members help CwSN to study and go to the school...................................26
Figure 11. The way the parents or siblings help the CwSN..................................................................26
Figure 12. Whether the student has faced the following challenges in their learning progress............26
Figure 13. Challenges faced when students were transitioning from primary to lower-secondary school .28
Figure 14. Whether family members help children with their homework and go to school...................28
Figure 15. Support and help CwSN receive from their family...............................................................29
Figure 16. Whether the teachers and classmates help CwSN with homework and go to school.........29
Figure 17. Whether the student faces the following challenges in their learning progress...................30
Figure 18. Who do CwSN approach when they need help at school?..................................................31
Figure 19. Whether teacher attended any IE training in the last three years, (whether teacher is class teacher or non-class teacher) .......................................................................................35
Figure 20. Whether teacher attended any IE training in the last three years (whether teacher works with CwSN or not) ...........................................................................................................35
Figure 21.  In your opinion, what is IE? (whether teacher is class teacher or not)...............................37
Figure 22.   In your opinion, what is IE? (whether teacher works with CwSN or not)...........................37
Figure 23.  Teachers opinion on whether CwSN can attend secondary school (whether teacher is class teacher or not) ..............................................................................................................38
Figure 24.  Teachers opinion on whether CwSN can attend secondary school (whether teacher works with CwSN or not) ...........................................................................................................39
Figure 25.  Teachers opinions on the following statements on IE (whether teacher works with CwSN or not) .............................................................................................................................40
Figure 26.  Assessment of CwSN knowledge and skills (by average score)........................................41
Figure 27.  Assessment of teachers’ understanding and involvement of the parents of their students in promoting IE (by average score) ............................................................................41
Figure 28.  Assessment of students’ development, participation, and social skills (whether students have special needs or not) .........................................................................................45
Figure 29.  Assessment of teacher performance related to child development information (primary and lower-secondary school teacher) .........................................................................46
Figure 30.  Methodology applied to assess students’ development progress......................................47
Figure 31.  Whether teachers exchanged experiences with teachers from other schools on issues related to IE and education of CwSN .............................................................................48
Figure 32.  Necessary training contents that teachers consider important to work with CwSN (primary and lower-secondary school teachers) .......................................................................51
Figure 33.  Whether the school organize the following activities towards CwSN’s education..............52
Figure 34.  Teachers’ assessment of the school (primary and lower-secondary school teachers)......53
Figure 35.  Whether parents provide the following support in relation to the child’s learning at the home environment (whether parents have CwSN or not) ...................................................58
Figure 36.  Whether parents provide following support in relation to the child’s learning at home environment (parents with primary or lower-secondary school children) ..................................59
Figure 37.  Whether parents consider that their child is physically and psychologically ready to transition from primary to lower-secondary school (whether the child has special needs or not) .............................................................................................................................60
Figure 38.  Assessment of your child’s development, participation and social skills (parents with primary and lower-secondary school children) ..................................................................62
Figure 39.  Whether parents attended IE training (whether parents have CwSN or not).....................63
Figure 40.  Whether parents attended IE training (whether children study at primary school or lower-secondary school) ...........................................................................................................63
Figure 41.  In your opinion, what is IE? (whether parents with CwSN or not).......................................64
Figure 42.  In your opinion, what is IE? (whether children study at primary school or lowersecondary school) .....................................................................................................................64
Figure 43.  Whether CwSN can involve in secondary school inclusively (whether parents with CwSN or not) .............................................................................................................................65
Figure 44.  Whether CwSN can involve in secondary school inclusively (whether parents with children of primary or lower-secondary school) ........................................................................66
Figure 45.  Parents’ understanding in the following IE views (whether parents with CwSN or not)......67
Figure 46.  Parents’ understanding in the following IE views (parents with children of primary school or lower-secondary school) ............................................................................................68
Figure 47. Parents’ assessment of their knowledge and understanding of CwSN education (whether parents with CwSN or not) .........................................................................................69
Figure 48.  Parents’ assessment of their knowledge and understanding of CwSN education (whether children study at primary school or lower-secondary school) ....................................69

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