ҮнэгүйWithin its corporate social responsibility, SICA LLC has been conducting research by touching up-to-date topics and been introducing its findings and recommendations openly to public. This time, we decided to conduct the research on households’ situation during curfew of COVID-19 pandemic.
The study is to identify current situation of households, change in household lifestyle during curfew and opinions on measures taken by the state during curfew.
The study is to identify current situation of households, change in household lifestyle during curfew and opinions on measures taken by the state during curfew.
Судалгааны мэдээлэл
- Ангилал:Хүн ам, Өрх, гэр бүл, залуучууд, Монгол улсын эдийн засаг
- Хамрах хүрээ:Households in 6 central districts of Ulaanbaatar
- Нийтлэгдсэн он:2020
- Хуудасны тоо:15
- Түлхүүр үг:covid-19 curfew Household
- Үзсэн:1000
Судалгааны агуулга
Main goal
Identify situation of households in Ulaanbaatar during curfew of COVID-19 pandemic.
Identify situation of households in Ulaanbaatar during curfew of COVID-19 pandemic.
- Study changes in household lifestyle during curfew.
- Identify opinions on measures taken by the state during curfew.
Since COVID-19 pandemic emerged worldwide, Mongolia has been taking many measures to prevent the disease spread domestically. Citizens have been living and working for the last 10 months in restricted conditions to prevent the spread of the pandemic. Since the imposition of the curfew on November 12th, household living conditions have clearly changed. We assessed the lifestyle changes of Ulaanbaatar households and opinions on the measures taken by the state during curfew.
Contents 1
Research methodology 3
Household sample 4
Employment and income 5
Covid-19 curfew impact on household income 6
Households’ situation during curfew 7-11
Further prospective, opinions 12-13
Conclusions 14
Research methodology 3
Household sample 4
Employment and income 5
Covid-19 curfew impact on household income 6
Households’ situation during curfew 7-11
Further prospective, opinions 12-13
Conclusions 14
Судалгааны файлууд